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当前位置:家教网首页 > 合肥家教网 > 外语学习 > 邮寄明信片语法错误遭涂改:“学点英语吧!”


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-09-17

The postcard featuring an aerial view of the Plaza de la República in Buenos Aires was meant as a thoughtful gesture from a longtime friend.


But as it made its way from Argentina to Toronto, its error-laden English provoked someone to take to the text with a red pen, correcting errors and scrawling a note that read: “ps Learn English!!”


The act left Mirella Zisko stunned. The postcard had been sent to her by a former colleague, now in his 60s, who had emigrated to Canada from Argentina and learned English as a second language.


Oscar’s original message – “I west thinking in you, Have a nice day” – had been marked up with red pen, much like how a teacher would tackle a student’s essay.


His words had been crossed out to adjust the message. The meddler had also added their own note to the postcard – “Learn English!!” – directed at Oscar and underlined twice for emphasis.


While it remains unclear where exactly in the mailing process the postcard was tampered with, Zisko has filed a complaint over the incident with Canada Post. The corrections were more likely to have happened in Canada, she reasoned, than in Spanish-speaking Argentina.


A spokesperson for Canada Post said, “With many hands touching the postcard before and after it entered Canada, it is impossible to determine where and when the marking may have occurred."

