英语热词:活跃的“政坛艺人” Politainer
【来源:易教网 更新时间:2017-12-11】政治离不开面对公众。对某些艺人来说,演艺生涯练就的镜头感和影响力正好为其日后从政打下基础,伴随他们在广阔的政治舞台长袖起舞。最成功的例子就是美国前总统罗纳德 里根和“终结者”阿诺德 施瓦辛格。
Politainer is a politician who is or was an entertainer; or a politician who makes extensive use of entertainment media, particularly during a campaign.
This word is blend of politician and entertainer and it was dreamed up by David Schultz, a political science professor at Minnesota’s Hamline University.
“Politics has become entertainment, and candidates are appearing on these shows because they want to come across as entertainers, not candidates,” Schultz says.