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双语阅读:神奇手机壳 苹果安卓能共存了!

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2017-11-15


Can’t decide between an iPhone or Android for your next device? Want to get both at the same time but don’t want the logistical hassle of duct-taping them together in a way that leaves the camera usable? There may be a Kickstarter for you.


The Eye is a $189 case for your iPhone which has raised over $100,000 on the crowdfunding site with a huge checklist of features: “a 5 inch display, battery power, up to 256GB storage, SIM slots, an IR blaster & wireless charging!” But, look, there’s a simpler way to sum it up. It’s an iPhone case that is an Android phone.

这款名为 “Eye” 的手机壳是为苹果手机量身定制,5英寸的大屏,电池供电,高达256G内存,SIM卡插槽,支持红外功能以及无线充电,市价189美元,现已在众筹网站筹集资金10万余美元。说了这么多,一句话概括就是:它是一个苹果外接手机壳,但同时,它也是一部安卓手机!

When you have the Eye plugged in to your iPhone, you can use your phone as normal (albeit with a fairly bulky case strapped to it), or you can flip it round, and have an entirely separate phone that you can also use as normal. Who wouldn’t love that feature?

当你把 “Eye” 装在苹果手机上,你可以正常使用苹果系统所有功能(尽管套着一个相当蠢笨的外壳);或者,你也可以把手机翻到背面,就可以正常使用一部安卓手机。这么炫酷,有谁会不喜欢呢?

Most importantly, the Android phone’s battery can be used to charge the iPhone. It has 2800mAh of power storage, which can potentially triple an iPhone’s battery life – but, of course, that battery also needs to power the Eye’s phone too. That said, the designers promise a power drain of just 1% an hour.


Oh, and the phone itself has two sim slots, allowing you to have three entirely separate phone numbers – perfect for ensuring you keep on top of your Work/Life/Weird Satanic Cult balance. It can be so hard to ensure all three parts of your day get enough time!


If the Eye excites you, the first 2,000 backers can pick one up at half of RRP, which will be shipped in August claims the manufacturer, Esti.

销售商Esti透露, 这款手机壳将于八月开始发货,如果你对这个手机壳感兴趣,前2000名赞助者可享受半价购买。



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