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《辛普森一家》 创造了个词,竟被收录进字典了?

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-04-05
《辛普森一家》 创造了个词,竟被收录进字典了?

This news embiggen s my spirit.


On Monday, Merriam-Webster, the most social media-savvy dictionary, announced that 850 words had been added to its online dictionary. One of those words is embiggen, which Merriam-Webster defines as "to make bigger or more expansive" and which was invented by The Simpsons writer Dan Greaney in 1996.

周一,韦氏词典这个精明媒体字典,宣布在其在线字典新增850词,其中有一个词是“embiggen”意思是变大或者是再扩张,该词来源于1996年《辛普森一家》的作者Dan Greaney。

It comes from a Season 7 episode called "Lisa the Iconoclast." The episode introduced viewers to the city of Springfield's motto, passed down from its founder Jebediah Springfield: "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."

具体是在《辛普森一家》第七集,名叫“丽莎是个反传统的人”。该集向观众介绍了,从创立者Jebediah Springfield传承下的斯普林菲尔德的城市宣言:“高尚的灵魂让渺小的人变得伟岸。”

" Embiggens ?" says school teacher Mrs. Krabappel. "I never heard that word before I moved to Springfield."


"I don't know why," answers Ms. Hoover. "It's a perfectly cromulent word."


It's a perfect joke that introduced two words that each entered the lexicon. But for some reason, only embiggen is going in the dictionary at this time. I don't know why cromulent isn't going in; it's a perfectly cromulent word.


The Simpsons airs Sundays at 8/7c on Fox.




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