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当前位置:家教网首页 > 合肥家教网 > 外语学习 > 英语热词:下班后晚饭前的“砒霜时间”


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-05-09


Arsenic hour is the time after parents arrive home from work and before dinner is served; any extremely hectic part of the day, especially when dealing with young children.


It’s almost dinnertime. Mom or Dad, or both, are trying to get dinner going. They’ve just arrived home from work or they’re reeling from a long day of parenting. They’re tired, the kids are wired and everyone is hungry. Among other things.


Let’s peek inside one household:


The oldest child has a million questions. The middle child needs a hand in the bathroom. The baby wakes up cranky from his afternoon nap. Then he poops. The dog starts scratching the paint off the door and then begins barking as if a serial killer is in the house. Simultaneously, the cat relieves itself in an unauthorized location.


This is the time of day known as “the arsenic hour.” Why? Because you either want to dispense some arsenic or take some.


The best that can be said about the above situation is that it’s not my house. Our only pets are fish, who are usually very polite and well-behaved, particularly if you drop an occasional mention of “fillet” as you pass by the tank. The children are another matter.




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